Natural Green Tea: South Korea Green OP – SAMAO TEA
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South Korea Green OP

CHF 5990
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Discover our “South Korea Green OP”, an exceptional green tea from South Korea. This tea features lush green leaves, hand-picked and processed with the greatest care to preserve their natural aromas. When you taste this tea, you will be transported to the beautiful tea plantations of the Korean mountains, where the cool breeze and rich earth combine to create a cup of tea of ​​great finesse. With a light infusion and a slightly vegetal taste, this green tea is perfect for a pure and authentic tasting. Let yourself be carried away by the sweetness of "South Korea Green OP" and discover the very essence of Korean green tea. An unforgettable taste journey awaits you.

In South Korea, tea is traditionally prepared using the Ku-Jung-Ku-Po method: roast nine times, rub nine times, in order to extract as much tannin as possible from the leaves. The result can be seen and felt: small, hand-rolled leaves that contain all the aromas of the plant. From organic farming

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